Thursday, April 9, 2009

What's been going on?!?!?!

Before I begin my post, I thought I would share the pictures from our beautiful, rather breezy, afternoon at home and of JP's Easter Egg Hunt @ GA. Jeremy worked in the yards this afternoon and his little helper tagged right along. It was soooo nice that I brought out a blanket and put it up under my favorite Oak tree and lay there gazing up at the Heavens and the brilliant blue sky. What a way to relax!!!! Also, we brought out the helicopter kite for JP and flew it around in the wind.

My view from the blanket up under my fav tree!

Beautiful Sky!!!!! How could anyone not believe in God?

Our kite taking flight!

Mr. Curiosity

I'm beat after helping my daddy!

JP loves the swing, too!

JP decided it was more fun to hide under the blanket.
Isn't this peaceful? You'll find me here during the Spring & Fall!

Busy, Busy, Busy


John Parker in CHARGE!

What are y0u thinking about?

Get use to it my darling. This will be your chore in the future. :)

Thinks he's bigger than his daddy.

He looks like he feels well to me! My sweet blue-eyed boy.

Buddies: John Parker and Parker "J" @ the Egg Hunt

I think I see an egg!

Well, lately a WHOLE lot. It all began last Friday, April 3rd when I received a phone call at work from Guardian Angel letting me know that Sawyer was running a fever--102 to be exact. I was bewildered and began racking my brain to try to figure out why he would run a fever when he has slept beautifully through the night ALL week long and hasn't had one sniffle, sneeze, or cough. But, we live in a 'daycare' world and anything is possible.

I dialed up Covington Pediatrics to see if I could get an appointment ASAP for Sawyer. After a nose and throat swab to check for the flu and strep--which were rampant at daycare--both tests turned out negative. WHEW!! What a relief. Instead, he was diagnosed with having an ear infection--2nd one to date. We were prescribed Ammoxocillin and sent home.

Saturday night rolled around and quite frankly Sawyer wasn't getting any better, but making a turn for the worse. After a restless and fever-spiking Friday night that the two of us spent in the recliner, he continued to run a high fever and Tylenol nor Motrin seemed to do the trick. Jeremy, the boys, and I returned from an 'early' Easter dinner with my Nanny Saturday night around 8:30 and that's when Sawyer began gagging and coughing up mucus. Where was this coming from? Remember, I said earlier that I hadn't heard a hint of coughing nor seen any nasal drip from this little guy. I knew that something was wrong, but for a split second I had contemplated staying at home and NOT making that dreaded 'long waiting' trip to the ER. Glad that I didn't cave in to that thought. God laid it upon my heart to get Sawyer to the hospital regardless of the waiting period that we might have to endure--Thank you, Lord! Six hours later, we were admitted into Andalusia Regional Hospital.

The ER doctor said that his left ear, the one that was infected on Friday, looked to be fine--just a little red. But, why does he look worse? Maybe there was a chance that the flu test that was given to him wasn't accurate? Wrong. I asked them to swab his nose again to check for flu and it was still negative. The nurses in the ER drew blood from Sawyer and sent it to the lab for further testing. The results concluded that his white blood cell count was relatively high meaning that he was fighting off an infection but it wasn't clear as to what type of infection-bacteria or viral? It was pretty much a split down the middle. Considering Sawyer's age, they didn't take any chances by sending us home and began preparing for his IV and the Rocepherin that he'd be receiving to fight off this infection.

To begin with, I was very optimistic that by the next day(Sunday) he would be feeling better, WBC count would be down, and no more fever--but I was wrong. His fever was still running high day and night and his WBC count was even higher than night in the ER. As to be expected, my optimism quickly changed to worry and fear for what was happening with Sawyer. After three nights in the hospital, 4 heel pricks, one blood culture, and one IV, and numerous 'rectal' temperature checks (poor little guy) later, we have found the culprit of the fever and white blood cell count being elevated was due to the ear infection which in turn developed into septicemia, or better known as septic(not septic tank ;). Basically, bacteria from the ear/sinus infection got into his bloodstream and the symptoms for being septic are: running high fever, rapid breathing, chills, elevated white blood cells--and Sawyer had all of the above. The most scary thing about it all was the fact that it CAN be LIFE THREATENING. So glad to that the Good Lord gave me assurance on Saturday night to take him on in to the ER to get checked-out despite the waiting period that was to be endured. Case in point-Always go with your motherly instincts that God has given you!

We are at home resting and trying to get back on our schedule that was interrupted by the nurses that were coming in every hour to check his vital signs, etc. BUT, we are VERY GRATEFUL for those interruptions, for sure! Sawyer had a follow-up visit with Dr. E yesterday and got a good report. He is on antibiotics (sub for Omnicef) and he would like to see him in two weeks to check his ears. As for daycare, 'ideally' he'd rather me keep him home the rest of the week and I have obliged. (I'm still trying to gain days back from my maternity leave, but I'm not worried at all about 'days'. I have to remember that I'm a MOM first and TEACHER second). Anyway, not that he is contagious, but his weakened immune system would have a hard time handling anything else right now--but he's well on his way to a full recovery. He's playful, smiling, cooing, rolling all over the floor, eating and drinking well and acting as if he'd never been sick. Children are definitely resilient!!

Thanks to all of you for your phone calls, emails, hospital visits in such a tiny room, advice(Ginny) :), and most importantly for your prayers!!! They were definitely felt.


Lori said...

I'm so thankful that he's better. We prayed for him in SS. I can't imagine how scary that was for you guys!!

I love the fact that you are taking all these relaxing pictures while Jeremy is working so hard:) LOL

Cute, cute pictures!!

Lori Griffin said...

I am so glad that Sawyer is better!! Poor little guy!! The pictures are all so good! I love the swing in the tree! I can see why you spend alot of time there-it does look peaceful!!

Christi said...

what a week!! Poor Sawyer! I am glad he is on the way to recovery and I am so sorry he had to go through this. :)

Heather said...

I'm glad Sawyer is on the mend. I just hate for my little ones to get sick. Aiden and I was in Dr. E's earler this week. We did not escape strep though, he tested positive. Those pictures make me wish I was in that swing.

Shonna said...

What BEAUTIFUL pictures..and I bet you enjoyed being outside and in that swing even more after being in that hospital for so three days!!!

We are glad that Sawyer is better and do thank the Lord for those "motherly instincts"! Is JP going to the church egg hunt tomorrow? We would be glad for him to go with us if you need to be home with Sawyer!!!

Teri said...

Bless his little heart! I'm glad he feels better...I know that must've been so scary for you! It's hard when they can't talk and tell you what's going on. Seems like my little Addison has been sick a lot too. She's had pneumonia, ear infections, stomach name it! We're good for now though. Hopefully, spring will bring us less sickness! Love the pics...sweet boys!

Ashley said...

GIRL...I didn't know all that! SO glad your little man is better! SO glad you're a smart mama too to take him in! Y'all are precious, you know! LOVE all the pics! :) HAPPY EASTER to you and yours, my friend!

Beth said...

I am SOOOOOO sorry Sawyer has been sick! I had NO IDEA! I have been so wrapped up in this house and all the preparations for moving, I haven't talked to anyone much less been on the computer!!!!!!! I feel terrible not knowing y'all were having such a stressful time! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out!! Glad he is feeling better and I'm thankful you listened to your motherly instincts!!! Please, please let me know if you need something!

The Clarks said...

Wow! That's enough to keep a mama stressed out. Not knowing or understanding how a perfectly healthy little baby can get so sick so fast. Glad to hear Sweet little Sawyer is on the mend!

What refreshing pictures! It could take my breath away. I know it must be so relaxing for you to be able to enjoy that beautiful tree and sky! By the way, if y'all see someone out under that tree or in the swing, don't be alarmed. If I'm ever in the neighborhood, I might just have to check that swing out for myself! HaHa!!!

Carrie said...

Glad your sweet boy is better! What a beautiful afternoon! I hope you had a great Easter! Looking forward to rooming with you at the conference!

Lori said...

How sweet your boys looked on Easter!! I'm assuming your header picture is from today:) I hate that my man didn't get to dress up for Easter, but he can wear his next Sunday for his birthday I guess.

Thanks so much for offering the meds. We had just gotten over the bad part, but I would have taken you up on it if it had continued. It was awful!! Now if we can just get his bottom to feel better. He can't even sit down:(

Thanks again!!

Kelly said...

Julie, I am so sorry your family had to go through this. What a scary four days! I am happy to hear that everything is okay. I will pray for Sawyer and his continued recovery.

Karen said...

I'm sorry y'all had such a scare, but so thankful your little one is on the mend. (You needed that relaxing time under the trees after all that!) Love the pictures. You have a beautiful family.

The Wilson's said...

Bless Sawyers little heart! I am glad to hear he is feeling better. I enjoyed all of your pictures and I think your oak tree is an awesome spot to relax. J.P looks like he can't wait to take the mower for a spin!

Lynn Castleberry said...

I love your header picture. What a sweet family you have! I am so glad that sweet baby is better. I hope you are having a very relaxing, stress free Spring Break. It is going by much too quickly. Thanks so much for letting me use your flash. I think Bridgette really like the pictures. J.P. was so funny at the egg hunt. I bet there is never a dull moment at your house. LOL!!

Michelle said...

I am so sorry to hear about Little Sawyer and am very glad he is better. I haven;t been on her lately, so I had no idea. But, you were right in going with your motherly instincts God gave you! I am just glad he is better and you and Jeremy are through that stress!! I know how hard it is to not "know" what is going on with your baby and when they will get better (and those HORRIBLE pricks and nurse checks :) but God is good and I'm glad Sawyer is home and healthy!
Your pictures are amazing!! It makes me miss the slow paced, sweet, relaxing down-home Southern life...I feel like I need to drink a sweet tea and watch steel Magnolias!! HA
Love the pictures of JP helping out with the yard, he will be a big hel pto Daddy when he gets older!! And your family pictures is guys are such a pretty family.
And, BTW, THANK YOU for the tips...helped A LOT!! :)

Michelle said...

Just noticed...HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY to JP!!
Looks like I posted on the right day!!

jeff and rebecca said...

Julie, I am so sorry about your little boy. Quite honestly I have been kind of out of the loop of things lately. I appreciate your comment and your prayers. Your boys are beautiful and so are you. That header picture is so good of all of you.