Monday, April 28, 2008

We're back......

What can I say? I don't have any other reason why I haven't posted in over a month other than, we have been "BUSY"! I believe that would be a good excuse, right? Once John Parker battled the flu, along came pink eye....the day of his "rescheduled" birthday party due to the flu bug. Needless to say, we had to miss Easter Sunday Service and seclude ourselves from the outside world-considering that it is highly contagious. However, Sunday afternoon we let him out of his cage, "the house", and let him hunt eggs at Missy's house (my moma) with distance between he and his cousins. My cousin, McKena, was sweet enough to dress up as the "Easter Bunny"for the grandchildren. John Parker wasn't too fond of her, which was unlike him. He didn't bat an eye when it was time to sit in Santa's lap for a picture during Christmas. Jeremy said that he couldn't blame John Parker because she looked scary to him!! :) Similar to the clown look that we all despise!! HA! The following weekend Jeremy's grandfather, Dodson Hardy, turned 80. Therefore, we headed to Milton, Florida to surprise him with a birthday party full of family and friends. There were friends at the party that he hadn't seen in 20 plus years-which brought him to tears. It was bittersweet!!! Secondly, my granny, Nobie Kelley, celebrated her birthday the following weekend. Since her surgery, due to the fall that she had taken a month earlier, she wasn't able to leave the nursing home. The Kelleys decided to bring the party to her. She is doing really well and continues physical therapy everyday. Once the birthdays ended, along came SAT testing at school which is enough to make anyone feel pooped!! Finally, the much needed Spring Break arrived. Saturday, April 12, John Parker experienced his first "A-Day" game at Tuscalooosa. He was a trooper. As you might expect, he thoroughly enjoyed climbing up and down the stairs at the stadium. He lasted until 1/2 time, then we were out of the gates and back at the tailgating spot where he collapsed from pure exhaustion and excitement. I thought I was going to also! Can you imagine someone taking a two-year-old to a college football game? I'm guessing I fall into the crazy person category. Of course, he did remarkably well when he was 6 months old at the Alabama Football game. He had no choice but to be still- he couldn't walk. The end of the Spring Break was spent at the beach with the fam. We had a wonderful time and as usual John Parker was fearless of the water!! He enjoyed everything about the beach. We took him to the zoo for the first time in Navarre-which wasn't what we expected. I hadn't been to the formally known "Gulf Breeze Zoo" since I was in elementary school. I don't think they have done any renovations since that time.....the early 90's. I don't recommend that zoo. Well, I think I have written a book, but I wanted to let you know what all little man has been up to. Also, you all know by now that God is blessing us with another precious boy. We are excited! All we pray for is a healthy baby!! John Parker will love having a buddy! I am 23 weeks and working on 24-closer to 40 weeks each day! :) As of right now, we are leaning towards the name Abram Jack Hardy. (Plan on calling him Abram) . Jack comes from Jack Kelley, my grandfather whom I never knew because he passed away when I was 6 months old. What do you think about the name? Here is a slideshow all of the events that we have participated in for the past month now. Enjoy. Sorry for writing a long book!!!


Shonna said...

It was good to catch up on the Hardy family...Congrats on another boy and I love the name!!!

Dave and Mandi said...

Glad to see you back in the blog world Julie! Congrats on the baby boy. You know as much as I do how special brothers are:)