Saturday, July 19, 2008

Late Afternoon Outing

Where's John Parker?

What's that I hear and see.......a helicopter?

I love DIRT!!

Boy, if only I could wander out in that tall grass!!!

A little boy has a lot of work to do with his own machinery.

WEEEEEE.......I love to swing!! What a way to cool off!!

I'll help daddy cut the grass!!

Better yet, I'll just take a ride in what my daddy calls the "Ugly Car"!! HA!!
We have been trying to "Beat the Heat" as much as possible. John Parker absolutely loves the outdoors and would rather spend every waking moment in this environment. Being the prego girl that I am, the heat is really getting to me. So......we have been limiting our outside play to 10 minute increments.....if I can last that long. We save our "Big Outing" for the late evening when it has cooled off just enough for me to withstand it without feeling like I am going to faint! These are some pictures that I took on Tuesday of this week. He was toooooo busy to slow down to even smile or pose for the camera. As I have mentioned before, I have to set my camera to "continuous shooting mode" so I won't have blurred pictures.


Ashley said...

John Parker couldn't be any cuter! Those are all some of Sawyer's favorite things, so that's what we spend our days doing too! Thankfully, there's 2 fans on my back porch or I wouldn't be able to take it, but I can tell the bigger I get-the less desirable outside time is getting to be! I can't believe you're down to 5 weeks. Do you have the nursery done? If so, would you share a picture? I know it's cute!Do you know who's doing your maternity leave?? Just curious! Hope the last few weeks go by easily! Can't wait to hear more! I like how you're getting to be a regular blogger! Yours is always fun to read!

Julie said...

You are soooo sweet Ashley! We need to let John Parker and Sawyer play together one day soon....if not after the baby arrives!! Girl, I am glad that you have outdoor ceiling fans to help cool you and Mr. Sawyer. I am sooo looking forward to having this little baby!! We are going to keep the nursery the same, but we are almost through with John Parker's new room. His new furniture will be here on Tuesday....hopefully. I will definitely post pics of his new room and the nursery as well. I still don't know who will be taking my maternity leave!! I know that Jennifer and Candy Parker both approached Mrs. Taylor about doing it for me. We shall see.....they would both do a terrific job!! I'm hoping that Jennifer can get a job teaching with us since our numbers are going to be up this year in fourth grade! (approximately 28 per class) YIKES!!!! If not, then I would love for her to take my leave!!

Shonna said...

Cute was really nice visiting with you last night!

Julie said...

I enjoyed visiting with you too, Shonnna!! I can't wait for you, Jamey, and Caroline to move over near our neck of the woods. We will have to plan some get togethers!!! :)

Beth said...

John Parker is getting to be such a big boy! I cannot believe how tall and growny he looks. He will be able to teach little brother lots of neat tricks. And I know what you mean about the heat. I'm not pregnant and it is almost unbearable. And John Luke would stay outside from daylight til' dark if he could!

The Clarks said...

Julie, that little round face is Jeremy Hardy made over. Don't know why I've never noticed before. He's too cute!!

Michelle said...

Hey Julie! Shonna and Beth have gotten me in on the blogs now, too!! Your little boy is so adorable! And congratulations on the new one to come!! I know what you mean about the heat, I am due Oct. 8 and think I am about to die everyday AND up here it is probably 5-8 degrees cooler (if you can call it cooler than down there :) Anyway, I have a blog now also, so I would love you to visit!

Ashley said...

I have a clothes question for you-so if you get a chance, will you send me your email address? THANKS!