Friday, July 11, 2008

Little Prayer, Big Heart

I have a precious story that I wanted to share with all of you. On Thursday, John Parker and I came back to the house after spending a few morning hours with my parents, neices, and nephews. I quickly got his lunch prepared so he could lay down for his usual two-hour nap. Being the terrible mother that day, I neglected to say a prayer with John Parker before he had his meal. So after he scarfed it down, I began cleaning his mouth, hands, and booster seat. All of a sudden I heard these precious, sincere words from my 2 year old......."God is Great; Thank you for our food! AMEN! Not only did he quote those exact words, but he had his tiny hands folded in prayer. I got this huge lump in my throat and tears filled my eyes as I hugged him for saying such a sweet prayer!!! It was so touching!!! Especially, since I was so caught up on getting him fed and ready for his nap. Boy, did I feel convicted!!! I was so proud to hear it come from his mouth all on his own without any of my "coaching". I was so excited that I immediately phoned Jeremy at work to let him know what his little man had said! Isn't it amazing how God works through our little ones?


Samantha said...

What a sweet story! It reminds me that children are learning even when I'm not "actively engaged" in teaching them. Children pick up on so much! I never cease to be amazed at the mannerisms and words -- and even the tone of voice that my children use because it's so much like me... Especially when it's not something nice!!!

DeAnne DuBose said...

How sweet!!!

Beth said...

What a precious story! Doesn't it bless your heart to know that John Parker is learning such Godly values at age 2?!
Thank you for your sweet comment! And thank you Julie, for being such a sweet, genuine friend!!! I love you too!

Beth said...

Oh Yea, if you ever want to borrow the book you are more than welcome to! Just let me know.

Jenifer Earnest said...

How precious...just proves you are doing a great job being a Mom.

Ashley said...

That is the most precious story! Way to go, John Parker! and way to go, John Parker's Mama for teaching him!! It does make you realize how much they're paying attention even when you're not....WOAH! What responsiblity! Makes me want to do better! Thanks for sharing!

Ashley said...

PS-I like the new name! I'm a big fan myself! :)

The Clarks said...

That is so sweet Julie! Ty often reminds me when I'm in such a hurry, "Mommy, we forgot to say the blessing." It definitely makes you stop and think, doesn't it?