Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Get the tissues ready!!!! I have sat here and sobbed relentlessly over a blog that I found while reading up on Baby Harper--which I have linked to my blog. Kelly, the mother of Harper, had asked her readers to lift the McClenahan family up in prayer over the loss of their beautiful, baby girl, Cora. This baby girl went to be with Jesus this past weekend after being diagnosed with cancer just THREE weeks ago. My heart is aching terribly for this family and I don't even know them. They are Christian people that need our prayers!!!

Their website:


Heather said...

I read that, and it also so just broke my heart. How would we deal with such loss (obviously it would be hard w/o our Heavenly Father)!!! You may have read this one too, but on down Baby Harper's page there is another insert where she ask to pray for a "Fellow BLogger", that one tore me apart also read it if you get a chance. It's in a blog that is 3 or 4 down I believe. She was 38 weeks pregnant and the baby had umbilical cord issues and died. She of course had a c-section and got to spend time with him. She put a picture of him on there. It was a boy and he has the same name as my baby boy. We are sooo blessed that God blessed us all with healthy happy children.

Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to imagine what that family is going through. I will definitely keep them in my prayers.

Kelly said...

Someone else sent me that blog. I cried and cried and cried. I had to literally stop reading because it was upsetting me so much. I thank the Lord every morning when I wake up to Anna Reese smiling at me. My heart goes out to Cora's family. May God give them the strength to handle this horrible situation.

Carrie said...

I am not familiar with their story. I will have to read it. I was glad to see you and Jeremy in SS. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I am sure I'll see you soon!