Monday, January 19, 2009

My Better Half

I've been tagged! Here it goes......
1.What is his name? Jeremy David Hardy

2. Who eats more? I'm more of a three-meals type of person and he tends to snack between meals;so I guess it would be him.

3. Who said, "I love you" first? He did!

4. Who is taller? When I'm not wearing my high heels, he is by 3 inches.

5. Who is more sensitive? ME!!

6. Who does the laundry? I do. But he'll do it without hesitation if I am occupied with the boys or if he feels the need to just to help me out! I don't even have to ask. He just does it! He would even clean the bathrooms, etc. before I found someone to clean the house for me. (He would do the whole bathroom cleaning thing while I was preggo so I wouldn't be exposed to all of the chemicals). Very sweet, I think!

7. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does if you are looking at the bed.

8. Who pays the bills? We both work to pay for the bills, but he makes more than I do. He makes sure everything is paid for while I write out those big checks to Guardian Angel.

9. Who cooks more? Equal!!! We grill a great deal! Ever since he bought himself the "Big Green Egg" grill he has taken a lot of pride in cooking the delectable steaks,burgers, shrimp, chicken, ribs, etc. He grills the main course of the meal, and I prepare the side items inside the house. You girls should check out those grills for your men. All the men think it's the best thing since sliced bread! (It does cook the best steaks, hamburgers, etc.)

10. Who is more stubborn? We both have a little stubborness in us!

11. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I think I do!

12. Who has more siblings? I do! I have three brothers and he has one brother.

13. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Jeremy

14. What do you like to do together? We love to spend time with our boys, watch movies, ALABAMA football, drive out of town to shop and eat,etc. Love to travel but that's been on hold since we have little ones--hope to start that back up soon.

15. Who eats more sweets? Jeremy! I don't have a sweet tooth!! I am more of a "salty/chips" type of girl.

16. Guilty Pleasures? Jeremy: Hunting, fishing, golfing, TiderInsider(all websites that pertain to UA and recruiting, etc.) Me: Shopping and Blogging obviously!

17. How did you meet? We met MANY years ago because he was friends with my brothers, Jason and Scotty. He was over at our house A LOT! We were friends before we began dating.

18. Who asked whom out first? Jeremy

19. Who kissed who first? He initiated it!

20. Who proposed? He did - on Wednesday, November 20, 2002, in my room at my house(where I grew up). The ring must have been burning a hole in his pocket b/c he had thought about taking me out of town(the beach) but couldn't wait! It was so sweet b/c it was just so random. I was at home in my comfortable lounging clothes studying for finals, and my parents were at church. He had talked to my parents, but they were unaware of the exact date of his proposal.

21. His best features and qualities? He's handsome, loving, caring, hardworker, loves his little boys, hands-on daddy, wonderful husband ....I could go on and on!! He is AWESOME!

22. Tag you’re it. Who do you tag? Christian, Beth, Ginny, Suzanne, and Illy


Dave and Mandi said...

Sweet post Julie! Dave has been drooling over the Big Green Eggs, but I told him they look weird and are way too expensive. If it will make him love to cook, then I may have to change my mind.

Heather said...

That's sweet Julie. It's great that Jeremy is so hands-on with you and the boys. I might have to check out the big green egg. LOL

Lori said...

Enjoyed reading! You guys have been together for so long that it's hard to remember all those firsts! I actually didn't know the proposal story though - very sweet! Great couple!!

The Wilson's said...

Jeremy is such a good guy to help out around the house! I think it is sweet how you have been together so long. I can remember a long time ago...when I worked at Hallmark and he would come in to see if we had new precious moments figurines for you. Thanks for doing this and I will check into that grill.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! You two sound perfect for each other.

Lori said...

I'm so sorry that Sawyer is sick. We prayed for him at church tonight and will continue to do so. Keep us posted on his progress!

Dawn said...

Enjoyed hearing about you and your honey! It's wonderful to be in love!

Ashley said...

Hey Girl!
I enjoyed reading! I think Walker and Jeremy must have a lot in common! Y'all are so cute! AND you're right-we're blessed with good ones! I agree with Dawn. It's good to be in love! :) Miss you!
ps-i have a REALLY cute black maternity dress hanging in my closet that i am going to give back to you-I PROMISE!!!

Lori said...

You guys will love the play. The best part is Jeremy will like it too I think! It would have been great for you to get to go on V Day, but we've learned that you can celebrate a holiday on any day you want:) The older Coach Bryant is great. From a profile, it REALLY looks like the Bear! Fill us in on how you like it!

christian bentley said...

OK Jules....I'm going to do this. Thanks for tagging me!

Ginny said...

So glad to hear Sawyer got the all clear!! Hopefully WHG will go back next week.

Thanks for the comment about the picture...I want to learn more about my camera; I really want to take a class.

Oh and I will do the tag thing eventually now that you and Christian have tagged me!!!

Lynn Castleberry said...

I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed Sawyer Sunday. He is the most precious little boy. You are very blessed!!