Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here's the Scoop!

It seemed like yesterday that I was holding my little man, John Parker, in my arms for the first time! Another precious angel is on his way.............

Sorry that I was unable to post about my doctor's visit yesterday afternoon. We didn't arrive back from Dothan until 10:30. Besides going to the doc, we had to go by Our New Baby(for a new car seat/stroller) and Best Buy(for a new laptop). I have been using Jeremy's laptop from work to upload my blog because we ended up trashing our other computer. There wasn't any hope for it! So, Best Buy was having a sell on one of the Dell laptops so we figured we should go ahead and make the purchase. I am sure Jeremy is happy that he doesn't have to bring home his computer for me to do all of the little acitivites that I like to do.....the blog, photoshop element, school work, etc.. His computer is probably breathing a sigh of relief tonight once he uploaded all the of 3,000 photos onto the new computer and cleared it from his computer. (I literally have that many of JP). I know....I am a bit crazy with my camera!! And just to think that Sawyer will be here soon to double the amount of photos that I take. I know I am rambling.....back to the Dr.'s visit. We will be arriving at Flowers Hospital on Sunday, August 17th at six o'clock. They are going to give me cervidil Sunday night to help progress things, and start the pitocin early Monday morning. Lord Willing, Sawyer David will arrive around mid-day or late afternoon. Unless things change, we are looking at becoming a family of four on Monday, August 18th. (The day after my parents' anniversary!) The reason for the induction is due to the fact that we are an hour and 1/2 away from the hospital. Plus, my labor with John Parker happened pretty quickly considering it was my first child. So, we will be following the doctor's suggestions and anticipate our little guy on Monday!! We are excited!! It will also help prepare us for what to do with John Parker. There is NO WAY that he can stay at the hospital for hours waiting on his little brother. Therefore, he will arrive with my in-laws as soon as we tell them when to make it over to Dothan. Hopefully, they will arrive just in time for Sawyer's birth. If not, it is okay. John Parker will see his little brother soon enough! Please pray for a safe travel, smooth delivery, John Parker, and for our new little man!!! We will be taking the laptop to the hospital where they have wireless internet. I'll put Jeremy in charge of uploading the images of Sawyer ASAP!!!


Shonna said...

I am so excited and can't wait to see pictures of the newest Hardy!!!

Ginny said...

Almost here!! I have been thinking about you all week. I made Mama call Jeremy in his office yesterday to check on the Dr. visit. William cannot wait for his new friend to arrive! We will check on you Sun p.m.!

Christi said...

Good luck!! I'll be looking for those pictures to be posted. :)

DeAnne DuBose said...

I can't wait to see him, and I know you guys can't wait either! I am praying for you. Congrats again!

Beth said...

Hooray! It's almost time! I am excited and I know y'all are. Maybe we can come for a visit but regardless I will be looking for pictures! Good Luck and I will be praying for you!

Ashley said...

OH HOW EXCITING!!! Thank you for the update! You'll be in my prayers, and I'll be anxiously awaiting some pictures of your new little guy! WOW! Can't believe you're about to be mama to two! I can't wait to hear ALL about it!

Ashley said...

Hey Julie!
Thanks for the sweet comment! Did you get my message about the dress earlier-about how it will probably be too small for me! I'm getting bigger everyday! :) THANKS THOUGH! It was really cute on you! :)

The Cotton's said...

Wow! I can't believe that Sawyer will be here tomorrow!!! I'm so excited about my boys having another sweet Hardy Boy to play with. I will keep you all in my prayers! My linc will be on all day tomorrow and I will check the blog so I can let everyone at school know the exciting news. Seeing your two boys play together and become "best friends" will be unbelievable! I'm so happy for you, Jeremy and John Parker. Let me know if I can do anything! See you soon!!!

Beth said...

Good Luck tonight and tomorrow!! I will be praying for you and little Sawyer {and Jeremey, and John Parker}. Let us know something as soon as you can! Love you Lots!!!

Christy said...

How exciting! Good luck!! Post Pictures!