Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blue Crocs

For the past several weeks John Parker will not depart from his blue crocs!!! It all started one night when he was getting ready for bed. After his bedtime story, prayers, and the hugs and kisses exchanged between the two of us, I tucked him in and left his room. Jeremy and I were in the living room watching a little t.v. when I heard a door slam shut. Of course, I knew exactly where it came from-John Parker's room. I walked into his room only to find that the blue crocs were now on his feet, not in the closet! He was adamant about sleeping in his bed with those shoes on. Being the "push over" mom that I was, I said, "Sure! What can it hurt?" Well, that one night of wearing his shoes to bed has turned into MANY nights. Needless to say, he doesn't go to bed without them. After his bath, he immediately finds his blue crocs and puts them on his cute feet!! We have tried to hide the crocs so he won't wear them to bed, but he begins to cry until he and his beloved shoes have been reunited. We aren't sure how long this will last, but it is just a matter of time before he outgrows the crocs or wears them out completely. I jokingly say that we need the shoes bronzed since it is a huge part of John Parker's life. You would think that they are best friends. Between the blue crocs and the pappy, I am not sure which one takes more precedence! With this being said, I thought that I would share a few pictures I took the other day of him running around with his jersey, pappy, pull-up, and his infamous blue crocs. {The second picture is "hazy" due to the smoke from Jeremy's grill!!}


Beth said...

Well, they ARE cute Mama! That is so funny! I actually got a pair of crocs out today for the 1st time{from the box of goodies from our sweet little friend Ty}. John Luke seemed to like them and they are adorable on!!

Christi said...

HAHAHHA!! He's a cutie and the shoes are too!

Shonna said...

Caroline has hot pink crocs that she thinks she should wear with EVERY outfit!! Hope y'all are doing well:)

Christy said...

How cute! Gracie had a pair 2 years ago that she wore with EVERYTHING! This year, it has been flip flops. She has 2 pair that are absolutely worn out, but she won't wear anything else. If I try to put anything else on her, she says they hurt her feet. I don't know what she is going to do this winter when she actually has to wear something different!

Ginny said...

Cute little man...he has a mind of his own Mama! Thanks for the birthday wish.

Mike, Kellie, and Reed Hardy said...

That is the funniest thing EVER! Is that what I have to look forward too? We love and miss you all!

Ashley said...

Well, I don't think there's anything cuter that that little story! John Parker is PRECIOUS!!! Way to go, pushover mama! What fun would it have been to make him pull those off? Now, you've got this fun memory & the cute pictures!!!! I LOVE IT!!!

Samantha said...

I love it!!! Oki has a pair of hot pink Crocs and she loves them, too! Enjoy JP now because he'll be as big as my boys before you know it!