Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

Caught by SURPRISE!!

John Parker LOVES any type of climbing apparatuses-as any BOY would!

HMMMM......What else can I get into?

Mama, I'm not so sure about riding on the pony!
{He was hesitant at first but it didn't last long at all!}

My sweet little cowboy.

He looks like a natural.

PaPa "R" and John Parker

What would we do without the inflatables????

Having a ball!

Stopping for a little breather...that lasted a whole .5 seconds!

Mama, what are you doing? WUV U~ Sawyer
{Please ignore the pic of me, I found Sawyer's look on his face hysterically funny}.

Excuse me-But have any of you seen the weight room?

JP's sweet cousin, Ashland Grace Kelley, (aka-Ash) joined in on the fun in the bounce house.

Here is another DIVA, Savannah Faith Kelley, (aka-Savvy) that was enjoying herself.

While Jeremy went hunting, John Parker, Sawyer and I went to my Nanny's church (Mill Creek Baptist Church) for their annual Fall Festival. As you can see from the pictures above, fun was had by all. John Parker was able to ride on the pony and play in the bounce house. It made for a perfect Sunday afternoon. Sawyer missed out on all of the action because he was busy catching some zzzz's. (You know....he has such a HARD life! LOL!)


The Clarks said...

Our 2 little bundles of joy look to be about the same size. That look he's giving you is too funny! Isn't it funny to watch their little faces and see their reactions?

Heather said...

I have a picture sort of like that of Aiden & I. He is somewhat a tiny bit older then little Sawyer though.

Lori said...

Fall Festivals are just loads of fun right? More for the children I think but so worth the exhaustion they bring!! What a neat idea to have it on Sunday afternoon. Never thought of that. Sawyer just gets cuter and cuter right? He and JP favor but are different in their own ways I think... And those girls of Jason's - so pretty (Savannah favors you SO MUCH!)

The Wilson's said...

They are both so precious! J.P. looked like he was really enjoying himself. I think the pic of Sawyer cutting his eyes at you is so funny!

Teri said...

Your boys are ADORABLE! I'll be looking for them on the Alabama Football Team in the future! Roll Tide!!! I love the picture of Sawyer looking at you...I wonder what they really think! It's probably better that we don't know! LOL!

Samantha said...

Your boys are soooo...adorable! We have got to do some matchmaking when JP and Oki grow up! hahaha!!!